MBA Winter Newsletter
Montana Bison News- December 2024 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner Happy Holidays fellow Montana Bison Ranchers. Winter is upon us and spring will be right around the corner. I’m sure everyone is busy and getting ready for the holidays. I wanted to share with you the amazing experience we had

Bison Corral System For Sale
Bison Corral system for sale (2W and Morand)!! We purchased the corral system in 2022 and have only been using the system for 1.5 years. In very good condition. Please see the itemized list of all the 2W panels/posts (black and red). The Morand (green) system includes a bison squeeze, 1/4 tub, alley, 3 block

UNIQUE SINGLE-SIRE BISON HERD FOR SALE! This closed herd has produced 4 DNA-tested bison with no introgression markers with cattle alleles Located in the Missoula, MT area Current inventory. We prefer to sell to one owner, but will entertain other offers. 22 exposed cows One 7 year-old herd bull 11 bull calves 5 heifer calves

Spring 2024 Newsletter
Montana Bison News- March 2024 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The Presidents Corner Greetings Montana Bison Association members. Well, it sure looks like spring is upon us, I hear the meadowlarks singing, the little bit of green tinge on the mountain side and pasture, the longer days and now the joyful anticipation of

Bison Heifers for Sale
Chris Sullivan has the following bison for sale: Heavy Heifer Calves/Coming Yearlings $1,000.00 each, Coming 2 yr old Heifers $1600.00 each, Coming 3 yr old Bred Heifers $2,300.00 each. All animals are from a quality herd breeding for length, large hip, and overall excellent confirmation. Please email: or call Chris Sullivan (406) 261-6072 for

Fall 2023 Newsletter
Montana Bison News- November 2023 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner I’m not sure about all of you, but I thought it was just June a week or two ago! How time has flown by this year. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, or it could just be that we are all

August 2023 Newsletter
Montana Bison News- August 2023 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner Once again, here it is time for our Quarterly newsletter Sometimes as I sit down to write these letters, I wonder what I have to say that may be of importance to any of you. I know all of us

Spring Newsletter
Montana Bison News- April 2023 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner By the time most of you read this newsletter, you will have had the deep satisfaction of having finally seen the faintest hints of spring appearing. That tinge of green grass at the base of last years dry stalks, the

2023 MBA Summer Conference
Save the Date for the MBA Summer Conference in Dillon, MT on June 16 & 17, 2023 Hotel Information- Room Block at the Quality Inn of Dillon Single room rate of $149 plus taxes Two bed room rate of $159 plus taxes MBA block of rooms are being held

January 2023 Newsletter
Montana Bison News- January 2023 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner Just a few weeks ago I found myself surrounded by the good folks of the Montana Bison Association at our annual Winter Conference, held this year in White Sulphur Springs. It was refreshing to spend time visiting with folks that

MT PBS House Calls Video with Chef Dr. Mike – featuring Bison
This video from Montana PBS features cardiologist chef Dr. Mike. Bison is featured!

August Newsletter
Montana Bison News- August 2022 A newsletter from the Montana Bison Association The President’s Corner Well, I don’t know about any of you, but summer seems to fly by faster and faster. Must be a function of the sun flares this summer or something like that… I’m sure it has nothing to do with my