Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameFirstLastEmailWhat is the best thing about the MBA? *Do you read the MBA Newsletter? Please comment. *Do you use the MBA website? Please comment. *How could the association better serve you? *What do you like about the MBA? *What would you like to see done differently at the MBA? *What topics would you like to see covered at conferences? *How many MBA conferences do you like to attend each year? *What months are best for you to attend conferences each year? Mark all that apply *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberNone- I do not attend conferencesWhat part of Montana do you prefer for the Conference location? *Do you think the annual dues are appropriate? *YesNoWould you be willing to write a small article about your operation for the MBA newsletter and/or website? *YesNoAre you interested in attending strategic planning meetings for the MBA? *YesNoMaybe-I’d like to know moreAre you interested in being on the MBA board in the future? *YesNoMaybeThank you so much! We will share the compiled results with the membership soon. -MBA Board Submit